Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 19

Today is not going to be very exciting; it is just a driving day. We are in route to the Grand Tetons but we will be stopping for the night in Nevada. We left early this morning (8:00, not that early), destination: Northeast Nevada. Nevada is a gigantic state, we found out. We crossed the border around 10, and won’t even make it out of the state by nightfall. We got groceries in Fallon, NV. We ate at Jack in the Box in the next city, breaking the chain of healthy/boring/easy food, but it was nice to have something different than peanut butter and jelly which is what we have ate for lunch almost every day of this trip.
            So basically we drove all day through the desert, just dry plain desert that goes on forever and ever. It was nice to look at the snow covered mountains way off in the distance. Our biggest challenge of the day has been the radio going in and out and  we are tired of the same songs that we have on our iPods. So we entertain ourselves by making music videos with the video camera. I have also been knitting and David plans our route and tries to figure where we are staying for the nights we don’t have reservations and writes up some of the blogs. We do a lot of singing, some talking, laughing at billboards and watching the desert. We have reached about 5000 miles on this trip and we are finally heading back towards cheaper gas.
            We did drive through a strange town in the middle of the desert that felt a little like being in the twilight zone. It was a really small town, almost everything was closed down or falling down and the whole town was surrounded by these weird underground bunker things as if preparing for a big explosion. It was a little eerie, so we decided not to get gas there.
            We made it to our campsite in the middle of nowhere, which is never a comfortable feeling. We made a rice dinner, ate some peaches then spent the rest of the evening reading, relaxing and listening to coyotes howl not to far from us.

            Although this day was not very exciting it was nice to feel like we were moving on, Yosemite although proved to be a wonderful experience at least two of the four days, it felt like we had been there forever and we were anxious to move on to the next place. 

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