Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 21

Day 21

Today we woke up to the sun shining off of the beautiful Grand Teton Mountains. It was magically looking a sun sparkling off the of the ice and snow covered peaks. We got up bright and early ,ate some oatmeal and first headed to the visitors center. We have learned that the visitor centers are usually the best place to start because you can learn about the area and ask the rangers what the best things to would be to do in the park. We looked around the museum it was really except we had a to battle a school field trip of about 70 small kids running around everywhere. We took in the parks film about the Tetons, which was really nice but this film was a little more graphic then the other parks, it showed animal carcass, attacks and scat.  The best part was after the film was over and you just have just watched all of the inspirational scenes with the music etc. The curtains open up and the screen rises to reveal a beautiful view of the Teton Range.
            After the museum we had lunch at an overlook to the mountains, pb&j but with better bread and an apple. We had nice view and we think some man with a fancy camera took a picture of us eating, we also think he was from another country so I guess he wanted a picture of Americans in the natural habitat or of wildlife, we are starting too look a little ragged.
            After lunch we headed to SANDS rafting.  We went rafting on the Snake River with 14 other people. David was a paddler and I was roped into sitting in the very front where the water just cascades onto you, since it was my first time. It was so much fun but so cold! I was soaked and freezing by the time got off that raft. But it was nice because we also had a scenic view whenever it was calm. We saw two or three Bald Eagle nest and one of them had an eagle in it. We saw this eagle about a minute after David had said “ I want to see a bald eagle in the wild’, so it worked well.  We had a lot of fun crashing into 42 degree water and we met a lot of new people. We learned that it is a small world because there were two other people on our raft from the North Carolina and our raft guide was from charlotte. White water rafting is my new favorite adventure.
            After our rafting trip we were really tired but we wanted to see more of the Grand Tetons National Park so we decided to take a nice stroll around the Jenny Lake trail. This lake is one of the lakes at the very bottom of the mountain range. What makes the Grand Tetons unique is that they are really young and they look like they go right into the water at the bottom. It was really nice walking around the lake with the reflection of the mountains in the water. David was on a mission to teach me how to properly skip stones; I didn’t know that there was so much skill to it haha. The whole area around the lake was covered in these beautiful purple, blue and pearl white colored stones, it made the pathway really pretty.

            After stopping at a few more scenic views we headed back to camp to eat dinner and go to bed. When we got there the stove, water bottles and a few other things that we had left on the table were gone, instead there was a note from the ranger that he had our stuff because of the bears, oops. We have actually been really respectful of the bears and their demands at all the parks but we forgot this time. So we ate dinner, relaxed a little and went to sleep

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